This Privacy Policy of AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL regulates the collection, use and other forms of processing personal data provided by users on this website or any of the Internet environments of the entity.

Through the implementation of the forms included in the different websites, relating to services provided by AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL, Users agree to the inclusion and processing of data provided in a processing of personal data, which owns AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL, being able to exercise the relevant rights as set out in the following clauses.

All legal texts are available to users and / or interested parties on the corresponding website. These texts may be modified and / or updated according to the needs and activities carried out by AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL.
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL, with registered office in AV. MERIDIANA, NUM. 358, 4TH FLOOR, DOOR A, 08027, BARCELONA - (BARCELONA), and with CIF number B10612182, informs you that it is the legal entity responsible for the collection and processing of your personal data in connection with the services it provides.

By accessing this Website, you become a user. All the data that AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL collects from the user through the use of the website and the use of the forms on it will be incorporated into a data file for the processing of which AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL is responsible, registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL is committed to respecting and safeguarding your privacy and security of your data.

The identifying data of the data controller is:

Registered name of the responsible CIF
Registered office
City Zip code
Barcelona 08027
For what purpose(s) do we collect your data?
In accordance with the current regulations, AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL only collects the data strictly necessary to provide services arising from its business and other benefits, management and activities attributed by law.

In this website, only contact data provided by users are processed. The data that may be collected from the user will be treated for the purposes of:
Management of your contact data to solve doubts or suggestions, being the legal basis your consent.
Management of your contact data to process your requests for budget, being the legal basis your consent, as well as the execution of a pre-contractual relationship.
Send you, when appropriate, notifications that may be of your interest, being the legal basis your consent.
We inform you that no automated evaluations will be carried out, nor will user profiles be created.

We also inform you that the information in the databases may be used to identify Users and to carry out statistical studies of registered Users.
How long do we keep your personal data?
Personal data will be kept as long as the user does not state otherwise and for the legally established retention periods, unless for logical and obvious reasons they have lost their usefulness or the legitimate purpose for which they were collected.
To whom will your data be communicated?
Your data may be communicated in order to perform the administrative and commercial management of the service we provide, as well as the following trusted third parties of AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL:
Third parties that help us provide Information Technology services, such as platform providers, hosting services, maintenance, and support on our databases, as well as on our software and applications that may contain data about you.
AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE will collaborate to ensure that third parties comply with current legislation, although the responsibility will be demandable to those third parties.

AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL does not sell, rent or transfer the personal data of users of this website, except when necessary for the provision of the service itself.

The website has links, applications or features shared with third parties, such as social networks or online communication systems. AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL is not responsible for the information collected in such applications, features or social networks owned by third parties as it has no management capacity or control over them. Therefore, legal notices are applicable and privacy policies that may be contained in the websites or similar from third parties.

Which are the rights of the Users who provide us with their data?
Users may exercise, with respect to the data collected in the manner described in the first point, the rights recognized in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on its free movement and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and in particular the rights of portability, access, rectification, erasure, opposition and limitation of processing.

The rights referred to in the preceding paragraph may be exercised by each User by means of a written and signed request, accompanied by a photocopy of ID or Passport, addressed to the following address:
Likewise, Users are informed that they may withdraw their consent to the processing of their data at any time, as well as file a claim at the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency) if they consider it necessary.


In the event of any conduct or situation that could generate an incident or irregularity of any kind, please contact:


AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL recommends that, before entering data in any or some of the data collection sheets of this website, carefully read the legal notice, cookies policy and privacy policy.

The user has the duty to provide the data requested by AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL in a responsible manner. In any case, the user is responsible for the authenticity of the data provided, that they are accurate, current and complete for the purpose for which they are provided, assuming liability for damages, both for lost profits and consequential damages, which could be generated by such inaccuracies or falsifications. In any case, if the data provided in the corresponding forms were owned by a third party, the user is responsible for the correct acquisition of consent and information to the third party on the aspects reflected in this legal notice and privacy policies.


Both the access to the websites and the use that may be made of the information and contents included in them, will be the sole responsibility of the user. Therefore, the use that may be made of the information, images, contents and/or products described and accessible through it, shall be subject to the applicable national or international legality, as well as to the principles of good faith and lawful use by the Users, who shall be entirely responsible for said access and correct use. Users are obliged to make reasonable use of the services or content, under the principle of good faith and respect for the law, morality, public order, good customs, the rights of third parties or AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL itself, all according to the possibilities and purposes for which they are designed. AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL AFRICAPHARMA assumes no liability, whether direct or indirect, for consequential damages or lost profits, arising from the misuse of services or content made by Users or third parties.


In compliance with the duty of information under Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the developer and content manager of the website where you can download different applications and / or information is AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL with address at AV. MERIDIANA, NUM. 358, 4TH FLOOR, DOOR A, 08027, BARCELONA - (BARCELONA) and with the management of this Internet domain inscribed in the corresponding registry, attending to communications from users and/or interested parties through the e-mail

Any other commercial, mercantile, administrative or contracting activity of goods and/or services is the responsibility of the aforementioned company, owner of this domain.


The company is only responsible for the contents and management of the web pages of which it is the owner or holds a right of analogous nature. Any other website or social network or repository of information on the Internet, outside this website, is the responsibility of their rightful owners.

AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL collaborates on a regular basis with different applications and web environments, and always recommends to all users that before accessing these web environments carefully read the relevant legal notices and privacy policies, and only access them once they have fully understood and accepted such legal text.

AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL undertakes to monitor the content posted on these social networks and expel those users who make improper use in them.

AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL recommends, following instructions from the National Institute of Communication Technologies (INTECO) and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), for the use of social networks or browsing in web environments, the execution of the following actions (in the event that one day is used):

All users are recommended to use pseudonyms or personal nicknames to operate on the Internet, allowing them to have an authentic "digital identity" that does not jeopardize the security of their personal and professional lives.
Users are advised to be especially careful when publishing audiovisual and graphic content on their profiles, since in this case they may be putting at risk the privacy and intimacy of people around them.
It is recommended to review and read, both prior to user registration and afterwards, the general conditions of use and the privacy policy that the platform makes available on its websites.
It is recommended to properly configure the degree of privacy of the user's profile in the social network, so that it is not completely public, but only those people who have been previously classified as "friends" or "direct contacts" by the user.
It is recommended to accept as contact only those people you know or with whom you have a previous relationship, not compulsively accepting all contact requests you receive and investigating whenever possible and necessary, who is the person requesting your contact through the social network.
It is recommended not to publish physical contact information in the user profile, which would allow anyone to know where you live, where you work or study on a daily basis or the leisure places you usually frequent.
Users of microblogging tools are advised to be especially careful about posting information related to the places where they are at all times.
It is recommended to use and publish only content for which the user has sufficient intellectual property rights. Otherwise, the user will be committing a civil offence that can be prosecuted by the national courts.
Users are advised to use different usernames and passwords to log in to the various social networks of which they are members.
It is recommended to use passwords with a minimum length of 8 characters, alphanumeric and using upper and lower case letters.
It is recommended that all users have antivirus software installed on their computers and properly updated.
Minors should not disclose excessive personal data. Never provide information to strangers.
All information concerning the web page should be read. It explains who the owners of the site are and the purpose for which the data is requested.
If the user is under fourteen years of age, parental consent is also required. In these cases, whenever data is requested by a social network, parents or guardians should be asked whether they approve of the subscription or not.
Usernames and passwords should not be communicated to third parties, nor should they be shared among friends or classmates. This data is private and should not be communicated to third parties and/or strangers.
Whenever there is any doubt regarding any situation arising from the use of social networks and collaborating tools, parents or guardians should be asked.
The computer should be kept in a common area of the house.
Rules should be established about the use of the Internet at home.
Parents should be aware of the functioning and possibilities of this type of platforms, both positive and negative.
Activate parental controls and platform control tools and set the parent's or guardian's email as a secondary contact email.
Ensure that age verification controls are in place.
Ensure proper installation of the content blocker.
Raise awareness and inform minors about security issues.
Explain to minors that they should never meet with people they have met in the online world and that if they do so it should always be in the company of their parents or guardians.
Ensure that minors are aware of the risks and implications of hosting content such as videos and photographs, as well as the use of webcams through social networks.
Monitor the child's user profile.
Ensure that minors do not use their full name.


If AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL has to change the procedures for processing your data, we will contact the user by email to notify them and give them the opportunity to object to the new processing.
AFRICAPHARMA EUROPE SL reserves the right to change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time, notifying the user by email when such changes occur.


This Privacy Policy will be governed by the current Spanish regulations, as well as by REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish legislation will apply in all cases, to which the parties expressly submit, since the mere fact of using the services of this website presupposes the express acceptance of Spanish jurisdiction.
Likewise, and with the exception of what is expressed in the following paragraph, the parties involved agree that any dispute, discrepancy, issue or claim resulting from the execution or interpretation of these conditions or related to them, or other texts that may exist on the website, will be definitively resolved by submission to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona with express waiver of any other jurisdiction or jurisdictional demarcation that may be competent.
The previous paragraph will not apply in the event that one of the parties is a consumer or user according to the definition of the regulations for the protection of Consumers and Users (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, by which the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws is approved), in which case, (and for a conflict related to and covered by the Law). In that case, the place designated in said legislation would be of preferential application.
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